Low Oil Pressure

Oil pressure is one of the most important factors that contribute to the smooth running of the engine and its long life. Engines are complex pieces of machinery and have to pull a lot of weight-literally.
Engine oil ensures that all moving parts are well lubricated and able to function properly. As the oil flows through the engine, the pressure increases. It is this pressure that ensures the oil gets where it needs to go and keeps the flow going. When the pressure drops to the point where the oil no longer flows freely around all parts of the engine, unlubricated metal surfaces come into contact. This results in friction, deformation, broken seals and other problems. In short, it's an easy way to destroy an engine. Oil problems can cause serious damage to your car if left untreated.
5 Causes of Low Oil Pressure
Low Oil LevelLow oil is the most common cause of low pressure; it is also the easiest to repair. Changing the oil is important and it is equally important to check the engine oil level regularly and as needed between oil changes. Attention should be paid especially to older cars with higher mileage that have leaks.
Using Wrong Oil Type
Your car's owner's manual contains important information about the best oil for your engine. Here are a few things to remember: Low oil viscosity will cause your engine to suffer from low oil pressure in the passages. This is something that happens when you go from the recommended oil for your engine to a higher grade oil - remember that a higher grade oil is not necessary for optimal engine performance. Follow what the car manufacturer recommends.
Oil Filter
The job of the oil filter is to clean the dirt that collects in the engine oil and is carried by the engine. And while oil filters do a good job of keeping dirt out, after a while the oil filter can become clogged. A clogged filter will not allow proper filtering of engine oil.
Oil Pump Failure
The oil pump is what regulates the oil pressure in the trailer. If the pump malfunctions in any way, one of the first things that will happen is that the low oil pressure light will come on. You may also notice a reduction in power, an increase in engine temperature, and engine stalling. What to do - You should have the pump checked by a mechanic to confirm if this is the cause or not.
Engine Wear
If you check the dipstick and it says you have enough oil and you're sure it's the right viscosity, it's a sign that your engine is starting to wear. There are so many moving parts in an engine that the oil must flow freely. In particular, engine bearings wear out easily with high mileage, which can cause oil pressure to drop. Many factors contribute to how long an engine can run before it shows signs of wear and burns oil faster. In general, you should be proactive in maintaining engine health in cars or trucks that are used regularly.
What to do - You should have the engine checked by an engine technician to determine if worn engine parts are the cause.